We remember watching a skit of Bubble Gang before titled “DI AKO BANDING” in 2011. A three-part sketch involves a person portrayed by Michael V. who quickly gets upset with people that treat him as gay. Near the top of every episode, he’s restrained by his ally, portrayed by Wendell Ramos. In one of the skits, Lito, the character of Michael V., was offered a cocktail drink and gets angry because he was given a “ladies drink”.
Not all cocktails are ladies’ drink, and here we have got the highest ten cocktails for men. Just don’t drink an excessive amount of this heavenly drink. The closet queens might come out! Cheers!
1. Martini
2. Gin Tonic
3. Jack and Coke
4. Old Fashioned
5. Bloody Mary/ Caesar
6. White Russian
7. Tom Collins
8. Rum and Coke (Cuba Libre)
9. Sazerac
10. Mojito